In our everyday journey we come and go and are lucky enough to be mobile and worry about whatever without having to grim with pain every step. But then for some reason you are singled out to go on with your life in the middle of painful steps of non joy because you sprained your ankle stupidly on a puddle of water somewhere ...why? because you think you are overly powerful and everlasting. Now living with pain is no joke. Believe me for the last 3 weeks I have been facing this ordeal because I unfortunately have to walk for a living ( not really but my demanding means of subsistence requires a great amount of daily movement).
Now I probably would not have noticed how much we actually do, untill this happened. Do I feel better now? A little, as long as I don't have to walk. So...I will be seing a special Doctor with a special pen who can reduce my walking by asking me to stay home. (hopefully)
Hi!!, I'm very happy because of your new blog. Do you remember when you told me that you would begin with one of these? So, congratulations!!. Actually, I tried many times to contact you on your handy, without succes. Well, I hope you'll get better soon. And welcome to this blog-world!!
I will try to let a comment again, it won't take it :(
I am so happy you finnaly are written Rene, everybody will be anxious to know all about you and the famili.
A big hug, and congratulations!!
Lydia in this case is malintzi, or Lydia grande jejeje.
Love you
Hola, muchisimas felicidades por comenzar, me ha encantado la introduccion que pusiste para comenzar y ademas sabes algo? opino que precisamente de estos instantes esta hecha la vida y me encanta la idea de que la compartas con nosotros. Gracias y ademas claro que creo!!! y ya que esta de moda esto de los apodos, me uno a la causa, con el que me impusieron, digo... somos de la banda no? jaja! Besos
grenoille: I do like your flamboyant style. Go on like this.
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